Here's a fun set of all three stellations of the rhombic dodecahedron, inspired by previous wooden editions I've made such as the
IPP29 stellation sets but instead of using
Stewart Coffin's original designs for
Permuted Second Stellation and
Permuted Third Stellation puzzles, I've slightly modified the piece geometry in order to allow them all to 3D print easily. My version of the third stellation is very similar to Coffin's however my second stellation is medium difficulty compared to Coffin's version. A benefit to making the middle puzzle is that it provides a nice ramp-up of difficulty going from smallest to largest puzzle.
I like to deliver these puzzles to customers in the "scrambled" state where one puzzle is solid black, one is solid white, and one is solid accent color. As such, the first three puzzles to solve are those of figuring out how to get these funky looking structures disassembled (not easy). The fourth puzzle (easy) is to sort all 18 pieces to figure out which ones are supposed to go together. From that point, the next three puzzles to solve are getting each stellation assembled correctly.
7 puzzle challenges!