Barcode Burr insert kits
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  • Listing Type
    New Item, Custom Order, Available Now
  • Listing Notes
    Just the insert kits for any member of Barcode Burr family.
I've come up with many variations to the Barcode Burr puzzle, most of which are more difficult than the original. I've color-coded the different sets to help distinguish them from one another:

This listing is for the insert kits only, so you'll need to get a Barcode Burr Body (corner piece) kit or scavenge a set from one of your other existing puzzles if you already have some.

If you are new to this family of puzzles and want to get enough parts to try everything, you might want to consider the Barcode Burr Master Set instead of buying individual insert kits a-la-carte here.

Click below for "More Info" about this family of items.
This is a whole family of puzzle designs, all based from the original wooden Barcode Burr but rendered in 3D printed plastic. Each of the puzzle pieces is comprise of a "body" (corner piece) section plus two interchangeable maze insert pieces which attach with screws.
Barcode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This is the classic version with the binary sequence of piece motion. Every wooden Barcode Burr that I ever made has this same pattern of mazes.
Batch NameMakerStart YearEnd YearEdition SizeNotes
Printed Plastic Barcode BurrPacific Puzzleworks2018
 Showing Pages 1-1 of 1 Total
Printed Plastic Barcode Burr
  • Edition Size:
  • Size (cm):
  • Batch Notes:
Instance NameSerial #NotesConstruction
standard colored Barcode BurrPLA plastic and socket head cap screw
rainbow colored Barcode BurrPLA plastic and socket head cap screw
 Showing Pages 1-2 of 2 Total
standard colored Barcode Burr
  • Serial Num:
  • Markings:
    PPW logo
  • Notes:
rainbow colored Barcode Burr
  • Serial Num:
  • Markings:
    PPW logo
  • Notes:
CoordiCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This was my first experiment with coordinate motion moves in a Barcode Burr style puzzle. It's also a rare example where any maze path has a loop in it. My original design intent was to have something to include in the Barcode Burr Master Set which gave customers a small taste of what could be possible with coordinate motion, yet once I developed the GreenCode and CrossCode series of puzzles, my fondness for this one waned to the point that I'd prefer to include the whole GreenCode series in a Master Set rather than this one.
CrossCode Burr #1
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
After exhausting my exploration of the GreenCode Burr family of puzzles, I wanted to try coming up with a design that had similar piece motion, yet no dead end paths. This puzzle was the end result of that and it has rather pleasing effect of "solving itself" to some degree as you fidget with the pieces. What I mean by this is that simply pushing/pulling the appropriate piece at the appropriate time will somewhat automatically cause the coordinate motion expansion and contraction cycle.
CrossCode Burr #2
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This variation of the CrossCode Burr series was an attempt to replicate some of the fidget-fun aspect of CrossCode Burr #1 while adding a few dead-end paths in order to make it a bit more complicated to solve. This puzzle does indeed achieve that goal but in a somewhat non-elegant manner. CrossCode Burr #3 does a much better job.
CrossCode Burr #3
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This puzzle is my favorite of the CrossCode Burr family. It has the same solution path as the original CrossCode Burr #1 but also includes every possible dead end path which eliminates the "solves itself automatically" feature of the CrossCode Burr #1. This puzzle is super fun to play with as a fidget toy, and despite having so many dead-end paths available, it's not too hard to stumble upon the proper sequence simply by virtue of playing around with it a lot. The shape of the maze paths are all identical which makes this a pretty cool concept from a design aesthetic standpoint, similar to GreenCode Burr #1 and GrayCode Burr which also have 12 identical maze paths.
CrossCode Burr #4
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This design is a slight variation of the CrossCode Burr #3 puzzle, whereby I've strategically moved the exit paths in order to make it much more tricky to find the right configuration that allows each piece to be removed. There is indeed some underlying logical rule that dictates what those configuration are, yet the logic is subtle enough that it seems random, and as such I think this puzzle concept crosses the line into territory where the increased difficulty takes away from the fun of playing with it.
CrossCode Burr #5
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This final member of the CrossCode Burr series was an attempt to push the limits on how many moves could be required, so I added some extra maze paths that require the use to make a few extra non-coordinate motion moves along the way, and also introduced new dead ends. I needed to switch form my standard pin size to the smaller diameter pins in order to accomplish this, which is why I colored these pieces gold instead of white, in order to distinguish it as being incompatible with the CrossCode Burr Master Set series.
ExtremeTortureCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This is perhaps the most difficult puzzle that I've ever designed. I specifically wanted to find something that mixed and matched pieces from the TernCode Burr (orange) and SuperCode Burr (red) and so used BurrTools to run some computer analysis on a bunch of variations. The conclusion of this analysis showed me that the longest solution path would include the two custom white tab insert pieces. I've never even tried to solve this puzzle on my own (without following along the computer output solution path) but have met a few puzzlers who've told me that they can solve this without help, and said that they really enjoyed it. Hats off to them!
GrayCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This is like a "unary" version of the Barcode Burr which is much easier to solve. I made a set of insert pieces once to try it out but have never sold a copy.
GreenCode Burr #1
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
After designing the CoordiCode Burr (my first coordinate motion version of a Barcode Burr style puzzle) I got the idea to explore the concept space a bit further in order to find some kind of coordinate motion puzzle that has a more elegant system of maze paths than the CoordiCode Burr does. This puzzle is the first thing that I came up with in this vein, and it has the particularly cool feature that all 12 of the maze paths are the same shape, and so in a sense this is one of the most "pure" versions of the family of designs, alongside GrayCode Burr and CrossCode Burr #3 which also have 12 identical maze paths.
GreenCode Burr #2
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
After developing the GreenCode Burr #1 concept, I started experimenting with ways to increase the complexity of the solution sequence and came up with this version that has a little bit of the same feel as the original Barcode Burr.
GreenCode Burr #3
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This is my favorite version of the GreenCode series because the way that the pieces move with two groups of opposing action coordinate motion is very pleasing to the hands, and so has a nice "fidget toy" experience.
GreenCode Burr #4
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
I came up with this final member of the GreenCode family in an attempt to improve upon the GreenCode Burr #3, which was at the time (and still is) my favorite version. My idea for this one was to further complicate the disassembly sequence in order to add more steps to remove the first piece, yet the tactile experience is not nearly as fun as its predecessor, so I decided to call it quits after this one.
PurpleCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This puzzle design mixes traditional linear moves with some coordinate motion moves as well, and is very difficult to solve, not only because of the mental gymnastics involved, but also because the coordinate motion moves are not especially obvious.
QuadCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This is quartenary (quadrenary?) version of the Barcode Burr concept
SuperCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
I came up with this puzzle in an attempt to create something much harder than the original Barcode Burr and so specifically designed it such that unlike the original, this one makes it so that the position of subsequent pieces can affect the ability for previous ones to move. I've never been able to fully wrap my head around solving this one on my own, but have never tried too hard. This puzzle is right at the limit of what my own brain can juggle around.
TernCode Burr
  • Pieces (Total):
  • Unique Shapes:
  • Solutions:
  • Apparent Solutions:
  • Moves (First Piece):
  • Moves (Total):
  • Solution Notes:
  • Combination:
  • Sequence:
  • Dexterity:
  • Discovery:
This is ternary version of the Barcode Burr concept
Barcode Burr Body (corner piece) kit
One of my design goals for the family of Barcode Burr designs was to have customers be able to try all of the variations at minimal cost by being able to swap out the color coded insert pieces onto the same corner piece body components so as avoid purchasing so many duplicate pieces. If people want to have more variations assembled simultaneously then more body pieces (and attachment screws) are needed.

The "standard" color scheme that I've always used is with each of the 6 pieces being of the same silver-gray color which looks nice and makes for a tricky solving process because it's so easy to "get lost" however I also offer the "rainbow" color scheme so that people can color-code the pieces in order to make the solving process easier to visualize.
Barcode Burr Master Set
When I first started selling variations on my original Barcode Burr puzzle, I came up with this "Master Set" which included a few new ideas of mine, as well as some of Derek Bosch:

At the time, these were the only variations that I had come up with. These sets came with two sets of body pieces preinstalled with black and blue insert pieces (Barcode Burr and CoordiCode Burr) and preassembled so that you get a chance to do these ones as disassembly puzzles rather than assembly puzzles.

I also sold an "upgrade kit" that omitted the preassembled Barcode Burr if you'd already purchased of those from me.

In the first few versions of this master set that I shipped out, I included an extra "copper" colored body piece so that you could opt to have piece #1 look different than the rest in order to make solving easier. Eventually I stopped doing this in favor of offering rainbow body piece kits as separate items to purchase.

After selling a few dozen Master Sets like this, I came up with several new coordinate motion designs such as:

In keeping with tradition, and new copies of the "Barcode Burr Master Set" that I sell will come with everything needed to try all of the puzzles, but minimal duplication of shared pieces so that you can save money and recycle shared parts between variations. Here is the list of parts that you'll get with a new purchase:

  • Barcode Burr preassembled puzzle with standard silver-gray body piece color (black inserts)
  • GreenCode Burr #1 preassembled puzzle with standard silver-gray body piece color (green inserts)
  • (1) bag of (9) green inserts, for other GreenCode Burr Master Set variations
  • CrossCode Burr #1 preassembled puzzle with rainbow colored body pieces (white inserts)
  • (3) extra bags of white inserts, each containing (9) pieces, for other CrossCode Burr Master Set variations
  • (1) bag of (12) orange inserts for TernCode Burr
  • (1) bag of (12) yellow inserts for QuadCode Burr
  • (1) bag of (12) red inserts for SuperCode Burr
  • (1) bag of (2) white inserts for ExtremeTortureCode Burr
  • (1) bag of (12) gold inserts for CrossCode Burr #5
  • (1) bag of (12) purple inserts for PurpleCode Burr
  • (1) bag of (12) gray inserts for GrayCode Burr
  • hex wrench tool + spare screws
  • puzzle info cards for each variation
  • insert installation piece identification diagram cards for each variation
  • "rainbow roadmap" infographic cards for each variation
  • "graycode" solution cards for each variation
  • (1) bag of (12) small brass nuts, for use as placeholder markers on the rainbow roadmap diagrams.
CrossCode Burr Master Set
This set includes all of the white colored insert pieces required to make the following puzzles:

This kit comes with one set of body pieces preinstalled with the CrossCode Burr #1 inserts, and preassembled so that you get a chance to do one as a disassembly puzzle rather than an assembly puzzle.

Whereas the GreenCode Burr Master Set gives you 4 variations while keeping 75% of the green pieces the same (small bag of extra parts) the members of this CrossCode family don't share any noteworty pieces beyond the most basic double-pin ones, thus this Master Set comes with larger bags of extra parts.

If you want to spend more: I sell "display upgrade kits" of white insert pieces that contain the 5 ones which are the same between each variation, so that you can have multiple variations assembled simultaneously. You'll need to have an extra sets of body pieces too.

If you want to spend less: I sell this set of white insert pieces as a standalone upgrade kit that does not include any body pieces in case you already have enough of those and don't mind recycling components from one to the next as you try each member of the Barcode Burr family.

If you want to maxx-out your display shelf: This master set + 3 display upgrade kits + 3 sets of body pieces will let you have all four CrossCode Burr variations assembled at once. Honestly though, if you want to go this route then you might as well just buy all four of the individual preassembled from me so that you get to experience them all as blind disassembly challenges as your first experience of them!
GreenCode Burr Master Set
This set includes all of the green colored insert pieces required to make the following puzzles:

This kit comes with one set of body pieces preinstalled with the GreenCode Burr #1 inserts, and preassembled so that you get a chance to do one as a disassembly puzzle rather than an assembly puzzle.

On of the interesting things about this family of "GreenCode" designs is that they all share 75% of the same insert pieces, so the only difference between them is which version of maze path "tab" inserts gets installed on pieces #1-3. Another interesting thing is that for each of the four design variations, all three maze path tab inserts are identical. The nature of how these design variations share so many of the same pieces allows this master set to only need 9 extra insert pieces beyond what comes preassembled in order to get 3 more puzzle challenges.

If you want to spend more: I sell "display upgrade kits" of green insert pieces that contain the 9 ones which are the same between each variation, so that you can have multiple variations assembled simultaneously. You'll need to have an extra sets of body pieces too.

If you want to spend less: I sell this set of green insert pieces as a standalone upgrade kit that does not include any body pieces in case you already have enough of those and don't mind recycling components from one to the next as you try each member of the Barcode Burr family.

If you want to maxx-out your display shelf: This master set + 3 display upgrade kits + 3 sets of body pieces will let you have all four GreenCode Burr variations assembled at once. Honestly though, if you want to go this route then you might as well just buy all four of the individual preassembled from me so that you get to experience them all as blind disassembly challenges as your first experience of them!