Barcode Burr
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    New Item, In Stock, Available Now
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    The original version, preassembled and in stock in two versions (standard and rainbow) at a lower price than the other variations that are based on this award winning classic.
This award winning interlocking burr puzzle has an binary solution sequence, and is loads of fun to play with. There are three versions available which are all identical puzzle geometry yet they get progressively easier to solve depending on how heavily they are color-coded with rainbow piece components:

  • standard has silver-gray body pieces and black inserts
  • rainbow has color-coded body pieces and black inserts
  • double-rainbow has color-coded body pieces and matching color-coded inserts

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  • Batch Notes:
Instance NameSerial #NotesConstruction
standard colored Barcode BurrPLA plastic and socket head cap screw
rainbow colored Barcode BurrPLA plastic and socket head cap screw
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